报告人:胡德文 教授 长江学者 杰青
二、报告题目:Application-driven Large Scale Graph Data Mining
报告人:王建勇 教授
摘要:As graph data is ubiquitous and diverse, and can be used to naturally model complex relationships among objects, graph data mining has become an important tool in many applications and has attracted a lot of attention in the database community. Especially, the application-driven graph data mining has shown high utility, while in the meantime it also poses some unique challenges. In recent years we have explored some interesting research problems in this field and I would like to share some research results in this talk. Specifically, some of our recent research on coherent subgraph mining over large dense graph databases, graph generator pattern discovery for classification, graph modeling for personalized recommendation and entity linking, and community detection in large network data will be introduced, and some typical applications of the developed graph mining algorithms will be also illustrated, including stock market data analysis, gene function annotation, image classification, concept disambiguation, ontology population, and personalized recommender systems, and so on.
报告人简介:王建勇,清华大学计算机系教授,博士生导师。自1999年4月从中国科学院计算所获得博士学位以来先后在北京大学计算机系任讲师、在加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学、美国伊利诺伊大学及明尼苏达大学进行访问研究。主要研究方向为数据挖掘及Web数据管理。在国际三大数据挖掘会议(ACM SIGKDD、IEEE ICDM和SIAM SDM)、国际三大数据库会议(ACM SIGMOD、VLDB和IEEE ICDE)、国际人工智能、万维网及信息检索重要会议IJCAI、WWW、CIKM、WSDM以及国际一流期刊ACM TODS、ACM TKDD、ACM JDIQ、VLDB J.、DMKD和IEEE TKDE上发表研究论文60多篇。据Google scholar的索引统计,所发表论文已被累计引用超过5500次,单篇最高引用超过950次。担任ACM SIGKDD’12、IEEE ICDM’10&11&13、SIAM SDM’10&11&13、ACM CIKM’13的资深程序委员会委员(Senior PC)或程序委员会副主席(Vice PC Chair)、以及国际知识工程顶级期刊IEEE TKDE的编委(Associate editor)。入选2007年度教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划。